Why do we do what we do? This question, barely raised collectively and consciously within a team of consultants, is here welcomed and analyzed in a Professional Supervision Path.

Supervision is a reflexive process that aims to improve the professional practice of consultants while in mission. . WAY2AUTONOMY has designed an innovative Professional Supervision Path, in 7 steps during 3 to 6 months according to your needs. The Professional Supervision Path is anchored in the present of the consultants and runs during the time of the professional mission.

Supervision is not a “coaching of consultants” but a practice in co-construction, between supervisors and consultants, centered on the question: What are we talking about in this mission?

The Professional Supervision Path is designed for teams of consultants up to 8 people, during their professional missions. The goal is to allow consulting teams to share an increased level of collective awareness, for a better quality of relationships within the team of consultants serving the client..

Consultants, liberal professions, coaches… Discover the Professional Supervision Path.

Surprises and new ways to discover yourself as a team are waiting for you: sensory exploration in nature circuit, posture, inclusion and learning, relationship to space-time in virtual reality …

Reveal yourself to others in a secure framework and find meaning in your daily mission.